I knew as soon as I went home I'd get ridiculously behind with these posts. I'm not sure whether any of you are actually still interested in what the rest of my gifts were but just in case I thought I'd just throw them all together in one last post. So these are the last 5 gifts from the advent calendar that my mum made for me;
Day 20 of my advent calender was a crystal nail file, similar to this one. I've had to find a similar photo though because my mum used mine for her works Christmas party and it hasn't been seen since! ahh well I'm sure it'll show up soon.
Day 21 of my advent calendar was 3 packs of crackers and 2 sachets of jam. I kind of laughed at this when I opened it because it's so random but it'll actually come in useful when I don't want to buy a whole jar of jam to myself!
Now I was pretty confused by my gift for day 22, at first I thought it was a gift card. It's like a piece of cardboard in the shape of a basket of flowers, but when you open it up its a small sewing kit. I have literally been asking my mum for a little sewing kit for uni for ages so I'm really chuffed with this! I'll be so grateful for this next time I fall over drunk ;)
Day 23 was a cute pair of owl socks. I've mentioned before how much I love owls so I'm sure you'll all know how happy I was when I opened these! These are a lovely little addition to my collection!
And finally day 24! My FAVOURITE yankee candle scent! Uh I love anything Vanilla scented, it's safe to say this didn't last very long but god did my room smell delicious!
Thank you for all my gifts mum!
and thank you to everyone who read my posts!